Research and Project
2007:Penelitian Estimasi Potensi PAD Provinsi DIY, Kerjasama dengan PSEKP UGM dengan Pemda DIY
2005: Penelitian Dasar Ekonomi Provinsi DIY (Baseline Economic Survey in Special District of Yogyakarta, in Cooperation between Central Bank of Indonesia with PSEKP UGM, Yogyakarta
2003: Penelitian Komoditi Beroientasi Ekspor (SIABE) Provinsi DIY (Export Oriented Commodity (SIABE) Research in Special District of Yogyakarta), in Cooperation between Central Bank of Indonesia with PSEKP UGM, Yogyakarta
2001: Team Leader, Liquidity Credit of the Central Bank of Indonesia, Survey and Analyze the Impact of Liquidity Credit on the Bank Industry and the Economy in General
2000-2001: Team Leader, Modeling Regional Monetary Development, University Research Graduate Education -URGE-World Bank, Indonesia, Collecting, Analyzing, and Modeling the Development of Regional Monetary Sector.
2000: Team Leader, Studi Kebijakan dan Strategi Bank Indonesia dalam Upaya Mengembangkan Usaha Mikro Kecil, dan Menengah (Study of Policy and Strategy of Central Bank of Indonesia to Leverage Micro, Small, and Medium Scale Enterprise), 10 November 2000
2000: Team Leader, Identifikasi dan Studi Potensi PAD Kabupaten Sleman dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Penerimaan Daerah: Menyongsong Pelaksanaan UU No.22 dan 25 tahun 1999 (Identification and Potency - Study of Sleman Regency’s PAD in an effort to Increase Local Income: Welcoming the Implementation of UU No.22 and 25 Year 1999)
2000: Team Leader, Dampak Liberalisasi Sektor Keuangan terhadap Inflasi, Perumbuhan Ekonomi, dan Neraca Pembayaran (The Impact of Liberalization of Financial Sector to Inflation, Economic Growth, and Payment Balance)
2000: Efficiency of Banking Industry (Bank Indonesia) Indonesia, Survey and analyze the bank industry. Analyzing the Efficiency of Banking Industry in Indonesia.
1997-1998: Speaker, Workshop on Local Government Budget (Ministry of Domestic Affairs) Indonesia
1997: Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Proyek Pengembangan Penyempurnaan KCK Tahun Anggaran 1996/1997 (Implementation Evaluation of Development Project of KCK Year 1996/1997)
1996: Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Proyek Pengembangan Penyempurnaan KCK Tahun Anggaran 1995/1996 (Implementation Evaluation of Development Project of KCK Year 1995/1996)
1994: Peluang Investasi di DIY (Investment Opportunity in Special District of Yogyakarta), as Head of Research Team, 1993/1994
1994: Team Leader, Investment in Yogyakarta (Bank Indonesia-Yogyakarta Branch), Indonesia
1993/1994: Team Leader, Household Saving in Central Java and Yogyakarta (Bank Indonesia-Yogyakarta) Indonesia
1990/1991: Team Leader, Workshop for Rural Cooperative Manager in Yogyakarta (Ministry of Cooperatives), Indonesia
1990/1991: Researcher, A Map of Banks and Economic Activity in Eastern Java (Bank Indonesia), Indonesia
1990: Research Team, Peranan dan Prospek BPR (Role and Prospect of BPR), PPE UGM and LIPI Jakarta
1990: Researcher, Rural Credit Bank - LIPI, Indonesia
1989: Team Leader, State Enterprise Capital Formation (World Bank-Directorate General of Higher Education-Ministry of Education and Culture) Indonesia
1989: Researcher, Industrial Structure in Indonesia (World Bank-Directorate General of Higher Education-Ministry of Education and Culture), Indonesia
1986: Team Member, Pemanfaatan Badan-badan Internasional (International Bodies Utilization), PPE UGM and Department of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia
1981: Team Member, Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Kilang Cilacap (Social Economical Impact of Cilacap’s Block), PPE UGM and Pertamina